
Wyświetlanie postów z stycznia 15, 2017


Good evening! Today I've got a video about my lovely job. It is simple nad shows a little bit how does it really look like in reality. HOTEL  - click here to watch! I want to find something more funny or more...well something that shows any kind of embarassing situations. It is the most interesting, I guess. I've started to think recently how it is in receptions in other places like... spa or something. There also is reception, right? I must go and see. Good opportunity to visit SPA, by the way! :) I want to share some thoughts about people who live too fast to even think about what are they exactly doing. It is also related with my job and style of life a little bit... I've got a lot things to do, at work and at home, so sometims I just don't know if I exactly have done this or that. And I want to just get rid of being "multitasking" but... is it possible ? Maybe it is and the point is to have a good thoughts? As I have observed, people start to as

What is the connection between reception and jogging?

I like my work mostly because of people that I'm meeting. During my last shitf some days ago, it turned out that one coming guest is a runner (veery talkative, open-minded and nice man!). He started to tell me why he came to Poznan and also to describe me his passion of running. Luckily, I am into sport too, I love to do excercise and do jogging, and even fitness or pilates at home (I MUST add also bikes, tennis and swimming!). While doing any kind of excercise I feel that I love the way I live :) Beautiful impression. The guest and I had a very inspiring discuss. We focused on jogging. Both of us agreed that there are two ways of thinking about jogging: you can love it or hate it. Some people considers that they run only when somebody pursues them. Nevertheless, if you do jogging with passion your body will fall in love with you soon – because of advantages that jogging brings to our daily life. The first advantage of regular jogging is the level of endorphin that is kept hig

New Year and new plans?

I've realized that Id haven't asked anybody about their decisions or plans for 2017. I like do it, despite the fact that I usually don't make plans like: I'm going do lose weight, I'm going to be nicer (I am, thou), I'm going to be going to do more things, I'm going to have more plans and I'm going to BE HAPPY (it is something that makes me smile the most). Well, I usually don't make any plans. It is not because I never carry out the plan I made and I've just decided to give up for the rest of my life, it is because if I want to do something more in my life, to try something new or change something, I do it almost immediately. Really. I never wait until the next Monday or New Year. Maybe to next hour... but it is not as perfect solution as it seems to be. Sometimes I introduce a lot of chaos in my life taking up new activities. Finally I don't know what to focus on. Funny. But I must admit that I accept it and I like it. I'm never bo